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Natural Awakenings National

Shopping Detox: No Purchase Necessary on Buy Nothing Day

Americans can participate by not participating, in a global move to tune out from shopping and tune into life. Buy Nothing Day here, is the day after Thanksgiving, traditionally one of the biggest shopping days of the year. As many as 65 other countries will fast from unrestrained consumption the following Saturday.

Adbusters Media Foundation launched the annual celebration in 1992 as an escape from the frantic consumerism and marketing mind games that characterize modern life. Since then, the focus has shifted to highlight the environmental and ethical consequences of a consumer culture and our commitment to recycling more and buying less stuff.

Currently, reports that 20 percent of the world’s population is consuming 80 percent of Earth’s natural resources. Imaginative activists make their point with credit-card cut-ups, shopaholic clinics in malls and zombie shoppers shuffling among stores chanting, “Buy, Buy, Buy.”

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