Last Updated: Mar 31, 2017 10:20AM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
Mar 31, 2017 10:20AM
Australian scientists report that sage appears to preserve memory by inhibiting changes to an enzyme that’s key in cognitive functions.
To replace plastic consumer waste, innovators have created a food wrap made of milk casein and a six-pack ring made of barley and wheat.
Spurred by rising consumer demand, organic farmland in the U.S. increased 11 percent in two years.
Mar 31, 2017 10:20AM ● By Judith Fertig
By knowing what the terms on egg cartons mean, we can pick fresh, delicious eggs produced by hens raised in humane conditions.
Mar 02, 2017 08:53PM
Farmers, landscapers, foodies, gardeners and community leaders convene at CT NOFA’s 35th Annual Winter Conference to learn innovative practi...
Mar 02, 2017 08:27PM ● By Jampa Mackenzie Stewart
Our interconnectivity with trees and plants is intimate and vast. We build many of our homes with boards from trees. We create our furniture...
Mar 02, 2017 08:25PM ● By Tatiana Fleischman
When our immune system declares war on food, the entire body becomes the battlefield. Our relationship with food is the longest relations...
Mar 02, 2017 08:10PM
A one-year certification program begins in September with The Institute of Sustainable Nutrition (TIOSN). TIOSN is reshaping nutrition educa...
Mar 02, 2017 07:55PM
Over the past three months, Nick and Erica Skeadas’ Curbside Compost has partnered with a number of local organizations to bring its organic...
Mar 02, 2017 07:54PM
Since 2011, Community Plates, has helped lead the food rescue movement across the nation. To better reflect who they are and where they’re h...
Mar 02, 2017 07:52PM ● By Mark Joachim
Many crops of corn, soy, wheat, tomatoes, potatoes, dairy, papaya, peas, rice, rapeseed (a source of canola oil) and cotton have been geneti...
Feb 28, 2017 12:45PM ● By Judith Fertig
Fat used to be the nemesis of good nutrition, but the latest research overturns that theory: The right fats actually keep us thin without harming our hearts.
Feb 28, 2017 12:45PM ● By Kathleen Barnes
The queasy stomach, brain fog or food cravings we’re experiencing might be caused by food sensitivities and a leaky gut—but there are some practical, simple solutions.
Feb 28, 2017 12:25PM
Danish researchers found no difference in LDL “bad cholesterol” levels between people that ate low-fat cheese or regular-fat cheese for 12 weeks.
Rutgers researchers found that food dropped on the floor for even one second can be contaminated with bacteria, and that carpet transferred fewer bacteria than tile and stainless steel.
In a Harvard study, people that replaced a portion of their normal dairy foods with vegetables, nuts and fish reduced their heart-disease risk by a quarter, while people that replaced the dairy with animal fats increased their risk by six percent.
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