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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Candidias – A Fungus Among Us

Apr 08, 2011 11:35AM ● By Marisa Del Monaco

Candidias, a condition caused by an imbalance of Candida albicans, a form of yeast normally found in the lower bowel, vagina and skin, is the result of our modern lifestyle and Standard American Diet. The Yeast Connection, a well-known book written by Dr. William Crook in 1983, was seminal in alternative medicine’s understanding of how the immune and digestive systems are affected by this fungal infection, which may often be responsible for symptoms such as constipation and/or diarrhea, irritability, fatigue, pre-menstrual syndrome, abdominal bloating and other indications as well as physical, cognitive and emotional disorders that affect children and adults.

  Yeast infections, or an overgrowth of Candida albicans, can occur after taking antibiotics. Normally, the presence of friendly bacteria such as Bifidobacteria bifidum and Lactobacillus acidophilus in the intestinal tract provides a natural control mechanism to prevent the overgrowth of candida albicans. However, if high quality probiotics are not taken during an illness which necessitates the consumption of antibiotics, then the yeast cells seize the opportunity to proliferate rampantly and become infecting to other body organs and tissues. While antibiotics have their place in healthcare it is now acknowledged that judicious use of these, along with taking probiotics, is key to maintaining the health of the gut.

  There are findings that support the possibility of a link between autism, attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and co-infections created by increased yeast and bacteria. Donna Gates, founder of The Body Ecology Diet, has assisted people with weak digestive and immunes systems for over 25 years, emphasizing a gluten-free and dairy-free diet along with probiotic foods and beverages, as well as supplements to improve the liver's detoxification pathways. These strategies have helped children with autism to improve their digestive issues and connect with their environment. The intestines, or so called mesenteric brain, is filled with nervous system tissue that has been called “the second brain”. Thus, there is an important link between healthy digestion and brain function.

  The body functions optimally with 10 to 20 percent of the non-beneficial bacteria and yeasts in the gut. With Candidias, the ecology of the gut or microbiota, an inner ecological system, is out of balance. According to Dr. Crook, the imbalance of beneficial bacteria to non- beneficial yeasts and bacteria are a problem for most individuals. The immune system is taxed by the yeasts and bacteria that should be mediated by the lining of the digestive tract, home to 70-80% of the immune system. When the digestive or immune systems are weakened balance in the gut is the first important piece of the healing equation.

  The health of the digestive system depends on improving digestion and assimilation, supporting the pathways of detoxification, eating whole foods and limiting your environmental toxin exposure. Use a multi-pronged approach to rebalance the micobiota of the intestine and improve the digestive system. First improve your diet and then add simple things that curb the growth of candida.

  • Use a series of colon hydrotherapy treatments to clean the colon and support the liver as well as the lymphatic system.
  • Take beneficial bacteria like acidophilus, bifidus, which can speed the ability to detoxify from the harmful effects that the Candida can cause.
  • Remove offending food allergies.
  • Consume cultured vegetable such as sauerkraut, kimchi and cultured coconut pudding daily. Regularly consume beverages such as coconut water kefir and kombucha. Learn how to make cultured food and improve your immunity and health.

Marisa DelMonaco is a Holistic Health Coach specializing in nutritional counseling, colon hydrotherapy, and therapeutic massage. Her practice is located in Danbury and Georgetown. Attend her “Culture Class – Why We Need to Eat Cultured Foods and How to Make Them” on July 15 from 1-2pm in Redding. Call 203.830.3003 ext.15 to register.

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