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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

New Milford Hosts Hands-On Train Display

The New Milford Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the 27th Annual Hands on Train Display at the Railroad Station in New Milford from December 20 – 28 (closed Christmas Day). Operating each day from noon until 4pm, the free public display will feature four operating train layouts available for visitors to view and operate.

The popular annual exhibit started 27 years ago at the New Milford Historical Society & Museum. Organized and run each year by a small group of New Milford residents who are train enthusiasts, the layouts feature a variety of gauge trains and are changed each year based upon a particular theme. Past themes have included “Jurassic Park,” industrial settings, logging scenes and more. Trains of all sizes and types run along tracks that climb and loop around miniature trees and building facades comprising the train communities.

For more information, visit Location: 11 Railroad St, New Milford.