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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Cox Technic Offers Relief for Common Back Pain

Pain in the low back, neck, legs and arms can be debilitating. When the cause is nerve compression due to protrusion or extrusion from spinal discs, the Cox Technic is one treatment modality than can work well. The technique has the ability to decompress the disc off the nerve and create relief, particularly for these four areas of pain.

The management of a disc protrusion is best achieved by using acupuncture, nutrition, Cox flexion distraction technique and core stabilization exercises. Although relief can be achieved, it is imperative to also manage activity levels. If we have a disc protrusion and go run a marathon, or even just run, we may aggravate the areas again. It is important to learn proper types of exercises, such as core stabilization exercises. For more complicated disc extrusions, patients are referred to orthopedics for spinal injections or other types of management.

Cox Technic, also known as flexion-distraction (FD), is a non-surgical, gentle, hands-on chiropractic spinal adjusting manipulation for decompressing spinal nerves and treating spine pain. Chiropractors use a special table for this technique that allows them to reduce the intradiscal pressure (less herniation), increase the intervertebral disc height (vacuum affect to pull the disc back in) and increase the intervertebral foramen size (area where the nerve exits) for a herniated disc.

The flexion distraction table has the capability to drop intradiscal pressure to -192 mmHG. In this way, Cox technic realigns and restores range of motion inherent to the spine while reducing patients’ low back pain—especially with radiculopathy, the sharp shooting or tingling pain into an area of the leg. Cox Technic is one of the leading conservative treatments for disc herniation and spinal stenosis.

The European Spine Journal published results of the U.S. Health Resources and Service Administration-funded comparison study between chiropractic care (flexion-distraction, FD) and medical care (active physical exercise) for low back pain. It found that, “patients with radiculopathy did significantly better with FD.” Subjects randomly allocated to the FD group had significantly greater relief from pain than those in the exercise program, and that, “overall, FD provided more pain relief than active exercise.”

Studies have shown that 13 of 18 low back patients felt greater positive effect of flexion distraction over a placebo (Hawk, JMPT, 1999), and chiropractic participants required significantly fewer healthcare visits than those who received physical therapy over the course of a year.(Cambron et al, Osteopathy & Chiropractic, 2006).

Dr. Kristine DeMarco is the owner and founder of Black Rock Holistic Health Center, located in Fairfield. Connect at 203-333-6544 or

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