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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Allison Spitzer Offers a Fresh Start to the School Year

Allison Spitzer

Allison Spitzer Offers a Fresh Start to the School Year

The new school year has begun, but for some families, the fresh start they need is nowhere in sight. They wonder, “What’s wrong? Why is there trouble again? Is it the school? My child? My parenting? Should we get help? Allison Spitzer, MA, pioneers many tools for success in her Expressive Therapeutic Coaching program. Blending dynamic, transformational arts experiences with talk therapy and no-nonsense coaching, Spitzer brings 35 years of experience to children and adults. Her technique emphasizes individualized, practical solutions as well as support for persistent socio-emotional or school problems. When family troubles or an unexpected crisis create angst, anger, or anxiety, Spitzer’s combined, alternative approach soothes and solves. “Like a trainer in the gym, I cheer, encourage and help families turn their sweat or tears into better outcomes,” she says. “Or when teens are struggling to develop, define and assert themselves, families find help as well as laughter here.”

For more information call Allison at 203.261.7615 or visit