Rebalance Your Brain at Cereset Westport
May 01, 2024 09:00AM ● By Erin Lehn
Crista Matthew
For as long as she can remember, Crista Mathew, owner of Cereset Westport, has taken a holistic approach to wellness. Naturally, she was intrigued when she first learned of Cereset’s patented BrainEcho technology in the summer of 2022. “My friend went to the Atlanta office and was experiencing some incredible benefits,” explains Mathew, who shares that a balanced brain boosts your life experience by improving your sleep, mood, energy and cognitive function and helps you better manage stress. “As they were talking, I knew I wanted to experience this myself.”
At the time, Mathew was struggling with sleep and inability to focus. “I would stay up late at night to get things done because there were less distractions than during the day,” she says. “I’m an avid reader, and I was having a really hard time focusing. I kept having to re-read the same paragraph.”
Sleep disruptions and inability to focus are common symptoms after big life events. “Four months after losing my husband to brain cancer in 2019, COVID hit,” says this trained Cereset Tech Coach. “Going through grief and then dealing with the pandemic was stressful.”
After learning about her friend’s success with Cereset sessions, Mathew located the nearest center, 2-1/2 hours away in New Jersey. Signing up for those five sessions changed her life. The first four sessions took place over consecutive days, so she stayed locally and created a mini retreat for herself. “After my third session I felt lighter and had slept so soundly. Dr. Frick said that Cereset was working for me and encouraged me to minimize distractions in the evenings when I returned home. For the next three weeks, I created a healthy nighttime routine, with lights out by 10:30 p.m.”
Before her fifth session a few weeks later, Mathew realized that her sleep quality had improved. She woke up feeling rested without an alarm and was reading books all the way through again. “That sold me,” she said. “I was also happier and less jumpy. I just knew my brain was functioning optimally.”
As a certified Personal and Leadership Development Coach, Mathew had been helping clients to reduce unnecessary stress in their lives. “There is no bigger stressor in life than your brain being stuck in unhealthy patterns. Our typical Western approach to wellness is very outside-in versus the Cereset approach which works from the inside out. And while we have so many external tools at our disposal—exercise, therapy, prayer, meditation, positive mindset—I can’t imagine anything better than allowing your brain to self-correct. All these tools are more effective once your brain is reset.”
As Mathew considered opening a franchise in Fairfield County, she connected with Cereset founder Lee Gerdes, and interviewed nine Cereset franchise owners to hear about their experiences. “I loved learning all about their journeys and the Cereset technology. When I decided to make this happen, everything just fell into place.” Mathew opened the doors to Cereset Westport in December 2022, and hasn’t looked back.
According to Mathew, sessions are very relaxing. “Four read-only sensors are placed on your scalp and the electrical waves of your brain are converted to sound through a computer. You relax in a chair with headphones,” she explains. “The sound coming through is your brain’s echo, and as it recognizes itself, it begins to rebalance and reset. A minimum of five sessions is required, sometimes more depending on several factors. I always recommend scheduling regular ‘tune-ups’ to help your brain maintain this new flexibility.”
Mathew says that one of the things she loves most about her work is the variety. “People come to see me for all kinds of reasons. Sleep is a big theme, and memory. So are mood issues like depression and anxiety. We also have a lot of people seeking our post-COVID recovery protocol to help eliminate brain fog and restore taste, smell, and energy.”
Mathew is aware that many people are struggling these days. “I just want you to know you’re not broken and you’re not alone,” she affirms. “Cereset’s tagline says it all: ‘We help your brain help you.” Who doesn’t need a little help these days? With each session, improvements are subtle but profound. I see the light come back in my client’s eyes. They begin feeling energized at the right time of the day. They start getting tired when their body wants sleep. And best of all, they regain hope, feel content and deep inner peace.”
Find out if Cereset is right for you by scheduling an Introduction to Cereset session this month. The offer includes a baseline assessment and a three-page report with a recommended plan of action. The $99 fee for the session will be waived when you book the initial series.
Cereset Westport is located at 18 Kings Hwy. N., 2nd Fl., Westport, CT. For more information, call 203-557-3299 or email [email protected]. Visit See ad, page 5.

Cereset Westport - 18 Kings Hwy N, Westport, CT
Cereset (Cerebrum + Reset) is a proven technology that helps the brain to relax, rebalance and reset itself naturally by listening to its own echo. A relaxed and balanced brain helps cli... Read More »