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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Dr. Peter D'Adamo, ND: the Center of Excellence for Generative Medicine at UB

Dr. Peter D’Adamo is a naturopathic physician well known for his best-selling books, including Eat Right for Your Type, which has sold over 6 million copies. Arguably the most famous naturopathic physician in the world, with followers including Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. D’Adamo is a pioneer of the science of blood typing as the key to unlocking the mysteries of disease, longevity, fitness and weight loss.

Recently, we caught up with Dr. D’Adamo, who is continuing to blaze a new trail with the opening of the Center of Excellence in Generative Medicine, in conjunction with the University of Bridgeport’s College for Naturopathic Medicine, the only accredited naturopathic school currently offering the Generative Medicine curriculum. The Center combines patient care, clinical research, and hands-on teaching experience for the students of UB’s Health Sciences programs.

First off, what is Generative Medicine?

Generative Medicine is an exciting new naturopathic specialty that aims to identify the body's self-healing processes and allows the physician to participate in partnership with them. This is achieved by applying the tools of systems biology and bioinformatics to the complex behaviors seen in both health and disease. This approach allows for safer and more individualized treatments of sickness and the enhancement and optimization of health and well-being.

What types of patients would benefit from a visit to the Center?

Whether you are interested in improving your health by refining the techniques described in Eat Right 4 Your Type, The GenoType Diet or plan to use our resources to assist you in fighting a chronic disease, such as diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, or asthma, the Center is ready to help people of all ages and with all types of issues.

So, after being assessed, patients receive a personalized plan for diet and nutrition?

Yes. We start with a highly personalized health assessment. Using cutting-edge techniques, such as systems analysis, molecular biology and bioinformatics, our team of clinicians and researchers takes a very thorough and detailed individualized approach to each patient. This is key to unlocking many of the latent healing powers of the body. It allows us to treat the patient, not the disease.

 At the heart of the treatment protocol are the personalized nutritional programs that are tailored to each patient. Our first step is a thorough patient history, including biometric evaluation, blood grouping, and other non-invasive genetic tests. Next, the information is input into a computer program that analyzes nutrient data for over 11,000 individual foods and creates a dietary program that will allow patients to naturally recover from illness and meet their health goals.

What other services are offered?

Our facility also provides an array of natural healing techniques, including botanical medicine, acupuncture, constitutional hydrotherapy and infrared sauna.

All of this sounds very interesting and cutting-edge, but it is expensive?

A prospective COEGM patient can choose to schedule an appointment with our cost-effective teaching shifts or elect to develop a direct one-to-one relationship with a COEGM physician in private practice. Naturopathic medical services in Connecticut are covered by most major medical insurers (check with your provider).

The Center of Excellence in Generative Medicine at University of Bridgeport is located at 115 Broad Street, Bridgeport. For more information or to schedule an appointment call 203.366.0526 or visit

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