Cassio Pet Resort Hosting Doggie Fun Zone

Newtown’s Cassio Pet Resort will host a Doggie Fun Zone from May 3 to May 21 featuring a timed event competition with dogs chasing an elusive lure down straight-aways and around soft corners through an irregularly-shaped course. Dogs will traverse through, jump over or crawl under various scaled-down agility obstacles. The challenge course is designed for all temperament and size dogs, from Miniature Dachshunds to Great Danes. This event requires no prior training or experience. For a $12 fee, a dog can run the course twice, once for practice and once for time. All proceeds from the runs benefit Danbury Animal Welfare Society (DAWS) and Spay & Neuter Association of Newtown.
Location: Route 173 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Newtown. Open 9 am – dusk each day. For more information, call 203-426-2881 or visit