Wellness Fair with Hands And Paws-Reiki For All

Hands And Paws-Reiki For All is offering a wellness fair catering to both people and pets on June 29 from 10am to 2pm in New Milford as it expands its wellness and educational offerings.
Join hosts Mary Oquendo RM, ACM, and Pam Pollard, RM, in welcoming Donna Gleason, a dog behaviorist and trainer, and Virginia Trinque, a holistic health and nutrition coach. Trinque is now offering health coaching, workshops, and whole food, whole body detox programs at Hands and Paws. Kim Staffieri from Do Terra essential oils is offering workshops for humans and animals. The wellness fair will also feature Laura Sanger Watkins, Reiki III practitioner and natal astrologer, Sandy Mendelson, integrated light therapists and more. Food and prizes will be available.
Hands And Paws-Reiki For All offers wellness programs such as Reiki, crystal therapy, integrated energy, drumming, natal chart and compatibility readings, energy space clearings and various workshops.
For more information, visit HandsandPawsReiki.com or call 203-994-5308. Hands And Paws-Reiki For All is located at 375 Danbury Rd, New Milford. See ad, pg 39.