Mindful Eating for Weight Loss

Kristina Hess of Thrive Results Coaching will be leading a “Mindful Eating for Weight Loss” program starting June 3 from 7-9pm at Total Life Care Center in Norwalk.
During the 6-week course, participants will learn to tap into their intuition around food, recognize natural hunger and satiety cycles, better understand cravings, choose foods that are both pleasurable and nourishing, reclaim a healthy relationship with food and stop emotional eating patterns.
“Being mindful about eating helps you break free from routine habits by examining the thoughts, feeling and internal pressures that affect how and why you overeat or restrict,” says Hess. The mindfulness-based eating awareness curriculum was inspired by the mindfulness-based stress reduction program created by Jon Kabat Zinn, successfully used in a NIH-funded study of people with compulsive binge eating disorder. “Nearly everyone struggles with emotional eating and engages in mindless eating. Learning to eat mindfully will avail you of more self awareness, help you to slow down, connect with your food and help you naturally release unwanted behaviors and pounds,” continues Hess.
To register, visit Tinyurl.com/mz6exoe or call 203-984-7989. Cost: $225 per person. Location: Total Life Care Center is located at 152 East Ave, Norwalk. See ad, page 22.