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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Tips for Healthy Skin: Combating Sun Damage and Puffy Eyes

Feb 26, 2021 06:00PM ● By Hilda Demirjian and Garni Gharekhania

The skin is the largest human organ and its health is of no less importance than the health of other organs. But how can we know that our skin is healthy? What are the indicators of skin health?

If the skin has irregularities, such as wrinkles, age spots, dark blotchy patches or acne, then it could benefit from the attention of a skincare specialist. But what if there are no apparent signs of skin irregularities? Often, the complete picture of the skin’s condition is invisible to the naked eye, and perfect-looking skin might in fact conceal conditions of concern—even cancer.

The whole spectrum of skin condition lies in all layers of the skin, from the outermost layer to the deepest layer. A detailed picture of the skin can only be extracted through a digital skin evaluation, which documents and analyzes the skin’s health. Undergoing regular digital skin evaluations for the face and other areas can help identify the damaged areas of the skin and prevent further complications in skin conditions.

Sun Damage

Since a lot of the skin irregularities are caused by exposure to the sun, it is important to have maximum protection from sun damage in our daily routine. As we age, our skin becomes thinner and more sensitive to sun damage. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation coming from the sun can cause skin cancer, and sun exposure can cause thinning of the skin and wrinkle development.

• Having some extra color on the skin is not bad, and if protection is taken while sun bathing, it can be a harmless and enjoyable experience. Follow these guidelines in order to maintain the skin’s health while taking a sunbath.

• Wear sunscreen all the time. Reapply every three to four hours during the day, and more often when in the water.

• Make sure sunblock contains either zinc or titanium, which are the main elements that protect the skin from the sun’s radiation.

• Apply sunblock at night, right before sleep. It will help shield the skin from solar radiation and recover from sun damage.

• Use cleanser and toner before applying sunscreen. To achieve maximum results, a cleanser and toner should be applied prior to the sunblock. This softens and conditions the skin by removing impurities, preparing the skin for the sunblock.

Puffy Eyes

Eye puffiness, the swelling of tissues around the eyes, is caused by excessive fluid concentration. While a small degree of puffiness may be noticeable for any individual, it is most commonly caused by more serious reasons.

Lack of sleep.
This causes the body to release the stress hormone cortisol at a higher rate than normal, which results in the breaking of the skin collagen, the main protein that maintains skin’s elasticity and smoothness. The skin then becomes more prone to swelling.

Excessive water in the skin.
In general, anything extreme is unhealthy for the human body, including the excessive use of water. Since the tissues under the eyes are very gentle, the surplus of water in the body gets concentrated under the eyes. Drink only as much water as the body “wants”.

Overconsumption of salt.
The high concentration of sodium in the body is another serious cause of eye puffiness. Make sure to adjust the diet to reduce sodium intake.

Toxins contained in alcohol typically cause stress, fatigue and changes in the hormonal function of the body, which can lead to fluid retention and swelling around the eyes.

Hilda Dimirjian is the owner of Hilda Demirjian Laser & Spa, located at 34 S Broadway, Ste 607, White Plains, NY. She follows strict COVID guidelines for the safety of all her clients. Connect at 914-374-1756, and See ad, page 5.

Hilda Demirjian

Hilda Demirjian Laser and Skin Care Center - 34 S Broadway Suite 607, White Plains, NY

Since 1974, Hilda Demirjian has been a leader in the use of laser collagen treatments for better, younger looking skin. Effective on the face, neck and body for fine lines, wrinkles, sun ... Read More » 


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