Take Shape For Life in Norwalk

Dr. Mark Joachim
Mark Joachim, DC, will be hosting monthly orientations to the “Take Shape for Life” program at his Norwalk office to introduce the program and support those currently enrolled. The next orientations will take place on June 10 and June 24 at 6:30pm.
The Take Shape For Life program, featuring MediFast, is a complete lifestyle program that includes meal replacements combined with the education and support of Joachim’s team. Studies show the average person lost 2-4 pounds per week without hunger, cravings or loss of muscle tissue, while experiencing significant improvements in existing health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
“Having an effective weight-management program that can easily be integrated into one’s life is, in our opinion, the most basic yet powerful thing we can do to look good, feel good, fight disease and slow the aging process… My staff and I have been evaluating this program and have helped dozens of people lose weight, while teaching them how to keep the weight off for good,” Joachim states.
For more information and registration, call 203-838-1555. Location: Associates in Family Chiropractic office,156 East Ave, Norwalk. See ad, page 14.