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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

TGI Opens Enrollment for Integrative Health and Healing Masters

Enrollment is now open for The Graduate Institute’s Master of Arts in Integrative Health and Healing. The MA program provides a unique and extraordinary opportunity to study the best of Eastern and Western medicine in a hands-on, interactive learning environment. From Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and energy healing, to art and music therapy, to nutrition and herbs, students explore all that the holistic side of health and healing has to offer for both preventative and treatment-based care. 

            TGI is thrilled to welcome Caroline Myss, one of the world’s leading experts on health, spirituality, and human consciousness, to the program’s expert faculty. "It is a privilege to serve on the faculty of TGI for several reasons,” Myss says. “TGI is one of the centers of the new Renaissance of education in which students are invited to learn with all their senses. I love teaching in such an environment. TGI is dedicated to all that is possible and that is the soul of human potential."

            Classes meet one weekend per month (Friday evening and Saturday) at Stamford Hospital and the degree is completed in two years. TGI is hosting an Accelerated Admissions Day on June 11, where prospective students can complete their application in a single afternoon.

Contact Admissions at 203.874.4252 or [email protected] with questions or to request a schedule. Visit to learn more.